Ask yourself, or anyone you know, what success looks like.
For some, it’s a Scrooge McDuck-sized pile of money; for others, it’s the time and freedom to stand on the edge of a lake somewhere, alone and at peace, feeling at one with the environment.
There may be as many opinions about the nature of success as there are people considering the question.
We feel successful when we have achieved – and what is achievement? It is the honoring of our values; we achieve when we advance and support and champion principles and ideas that matter. Of course, these are subjective. Each of us has a different idea about the importance of every issue.
Values are concepts such as integrity, altruism, loyalty, fun, togetherness and beauty. Most of us also value time with our families; some of us value our society’s traditions.
If money is important, we feel successful whenever we attract some. If we like seeing sculptures erected in public spaces, or saving bird species in danger of extinction, we feel successful whenever we’re able to aid a project that does these things.
If there is a purpose to life beyond physically surviving until tomorrow, it is surely advancing our values.
We agree about the need for some things; we do not agree about the need for other things.
However, if we are aiming to be successful, we must focus on our own values; these provide our purpose day to day, even from moment to moment. They affect everything we do.
Primal You, the business, exists to help you uncover the purpose that already lies within you. This purpose has been reflected in everything you have done today.
Fulfilling your purpose will enable you to reach telos, a state first described by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Telos is our end goal; it is our purpose achieved. We might think of telos as our raison d’être. All human endeavour is undertaken to this end, even if we don’t consciously realise it.
The Telos Path illuminates a way that you can enjoy a more fulfilling life. If you want more success in any aspect of your life, explore this path. You’ll be pleased you did.